Zo’s Doggy Trail

A responsive app designed for users to book walking appointments or schedule boarding for their furry friend(s)

COVID 19 has had its ups and downs, but one of the best things that came out of it was me rescuing my sweet dog Sugar. Since. this was my first dog, realizing her needs started to become quite overwhelming.


Sugar, Spice and Everything Nice


What have I gotten myself into?

Sugar is the first pet I’ve ever had besides a few fishes. Although I work from home, it is hard finding the time to walk her because I have such a busy schedule; which is why I wanted to create a dog walking app.


The Trail

Create a responsive dog walking app for users to conveniently book walking appointments for their dogs and monitor them while they are away with the walker.

Starting with Research, I analyzed 3 companies that offer dog walking services. I explored if they offered background checks for walkers, live media like photos and videos and what other products and services they offered.

Paw Patrol

Competitive Anaylsis

User Survey and Results

4 dog parent participants

2 participants have dogs that are not spayed and are under 1 years old

Participant #1

Participant #2

Participant #3

Participant #4

User Persona

Based on user feedback and research, users wanted to track their dogs at all times. They also wanted to ensure that they could find what they were looking for easily.

Dog Defining Moments


London Rae is a 30 year old woman who just moved to a new city to start her dream job. It’s currently just her and her dog Sugar, and although she works from home she has struggled to find time to walk Sugar during the week because of her new work hours. She wants to find a reliable dog walker to cant walk Sugar often.

User Flow

London has spent the last few days conducting research on Zo’s Doggy Trail, and is ready to book an appointment for Sugar to go dog walking with her new dog walker, Joy.

Task Flow

Doggy Thoughts

List of ideas

Designing a dog walking app where users can feel secure required a lot of brainstorming on how I can incorporate that into the design while also making it accessible.

Low/Mid Wireframes

Hi Fi Mockup and UI Kit

From the mid fi wireframes, I was able to get a feel for how I wanted the Hi Fi mockups to look. Below are a few Hi Fi Mockup screens from users would see when they first log in and UI Kit created from mockups.

Prototype before testing

Time to put it to the test!

I tested 4 participants via zoom and in person.

Flow: You’re looking to book a dog walking appointment with a reliable person for your dog during the week because you are swamped with meetings.

Priority Revisions


Key Finding: During testing I realized my project didn’t pass accessibility.

Solution: I changed the colors based on accessibility.



Increase in font and icons

Key Finding: During testing, I received feedback stating that the icons to choose a file were small so

Solution: Increased the size and font of text.



New Addition to flow

Key Finding: Many participants wanted to see the actual map and chat functions.

Solution: I created screens for each function. It was said that having these screens make user more comfortable.

Possible next steps and reflection

Due to time constraints, I wasn’t able to create many of the screens I wanted to add including the dog boarding screens. If given more time, I would create the remaining screens, test the prototype again to make sure everything flows a few times, and make any priority revisions. Once I feel like the prototype is complete, I would send it for hand off.

I was extremely excited to do this project because I love being around dogs, especially my Sugar. For this project, I really wanted to challenge myself in both UI and UX. I really wanted to create a product that I feel like I would use; and I did just that. Although I didn’t have long to complete, I am very happy with how it turned out and maybe one day I will turn this into a real product!

Sugar Vinson 🐶💖

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